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I'm Samantha Kerlin, owner and creative consultant of Adducci Designs, but you can just call me Sam.

I am a freelance designer and animal lover who's passionate about creativity and community. 

As a creative, I find myself constantly surrounded by ideas that I want to see come to life. It could be an event, organization, or product that sparks my innovative thinking. We all have a story, a voice to be heard, and visual communication is my favorite way to share those stories.

I’m inspired by life experiences, the creative minds of others, and the world around me.

It's pretty typical to find me chasing around my daugther, Elle, while carrying my son, Rowan, or on eight wheels as I play roller derby in my spare time. If I'm not skating around a track or taming my children, you'll probably find me goofing off with my husband, Dave, playing outside with my furbaby, Ozzy Pawsbourne, or enjoying a cold brewski with my friends at a local brewery. 

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